The other morning I opened the curtains to find snowflakes gracing the air with their beauty Their collective movement, soft and slow and syncopated, combed through my mind, and I found myself entranced.
I realised how each flake is made up of many intricate crystals, all perfect creations in their own right. I was reminded of how Dr Emoto discovered that thought affected the formation of water crystals. Beautiful words created beautiful crystals, whereas ugly words created a formless mass. I could see how each of those snowflakes is made up of many pure and beautiful words, imbewed with love, like a poem or a good wish. An actual benificent magical spell. I could feel how these words could also be music, matching the quality of the word in frequency. How these frequencies are also free quencies, as they heal and set free the authentic self.
I realised that the whole sky was filled with one magnificent, wonderful melody, and a magical lyrical story, a giant wish of love for the world and all that resided upon it. As the snow fell on the people and the trees and the animals and the good earth herself, it covered them for a moment with the wish, and then it melted into them, so that all the beauty and love was absorbed. It was like a blessing, as if the sky was kissing the earth all over.
I was reminded of how reiki symbols are placed in a person's aura during healing. They are full of good and wise energy, and melt into the aura in the same way as the snowflakes that entranced me melted into the land, The land and its progeny were being nourished by the energy in the crystalline forms as they melted and merged with it.
I remembered another day this winter, when the frost had become crystalline, and was a coating on everything. It looked as if all of nature was encrusted with quartz, but it was almost formless, held for a while in form by the cold air. Even as I watched, it was slowly, imperceptibly disappearing. It was as if a higher dimension of nature that was always there had been tricked into becoming visible. The structures were breathtakingly intricate, but were in fact the same shape repeated in dazzling variety. They spiralled around the surface of the trees' branches and were particularly striking on the teasels. It seemed to me as if these shapes were musical words created by the plant and the air meeting. They described the plant that they were formed upon. They were singing its essence within that dimension that was usually invisible.
I found myself walking through snow crystal fur in the Alps this year. It was a coating of fine tree like structures over the snow, all layered and spiralling and repeating each others forms like a conversation. If I could have understood the words, they would have been describing pure truth and pure love in every way imaginable. I could hardly bear to disturb their beauty by walking through the snow, but as I did I felt I was creating a parting in the fur of some wild and wise and gentle creature of the mountains. The structures folded away from me on either side, as fur would curl away from a natural parting, as part of its growth. The creature was sleeping, but it knew I was there. In fact it was aware of everything, and was not concerned. It was as it it could see all of time, and there was nothing to stir it from its rest. By walking through it I found myself folding its peace around me like a cloak. I felt protected and at one with the land.